Team of professionals
People who innovate
People who innovate
Here below, you can find out more about our projects
En noviembre de 2024, el proyecto CAREER COMPASS inicia un viaje transformador de 30 meses para apoyar a las personas en encrucijadas profesionales y aquellas ...
Me, myself and I project
El proyecto "Yo, conmigo mismo" está diseñado para apoyar a niños de 3 a 11 años en el conocimiento profundo de sí mismos, impulsando su ...
El proyecto DIGI'AWARE, " Digital Awareness of young people to use safely social media" se propone promover el uso seguro de las redes sociales entre ...
Spectrum Cohesion
Job inclusion of students with trauma and neurological disorders in employment for social cohesion of refugees and host communities.
Increasingly, organisations are demanding employees with digital, personal and social skills. In a rapidly changing environment, influenced by different factors not only technological and economic, but also organisational, skills such as decision-making, time management and leadership are vital for competitiveness.