Team of professionals

People who innovate

People who innovate

Innopares is a startup dedicated to the management of people-centered innovation projects. We are members of PACT4skills and ARISA.

What is people centered innovation?

In the fourth industrial revolution, the skills in greatest demand are understanding, collaboration and communication with the people with whom we interact; that is, the people our company serves.

We are a team of professionals with more than 50 years of collective experience in the fields of education, use of innovative technologies for learning, entrepreneurship, social innovation, youth development and motivation, and human resources. We have an operational structure based in Malaga (ES). We maintain a close relationship with different administrations, technology centres, public research organizations and private entities at a regional, national, European and international level.

Nos basamos en una estrategia que permite a cualquier entidad atraer oportunidades de proyectos que provienen de los agentes incluidos en la llamada “triple hélice”: administración pública, empresas privadas y centros de investigación públicos y universidades.

+ than 30 years of experience

We care about the people we interact with

We provide real and viable proposals

Our team

Passionate about our work

Begoña Arenas Romero

Project Coordinator

Begoña Arenas Romero

She has a degree in Law from the University of Granada where she was also awarded a scholarship by the Ministry of Education in the Department of Civil Law. He has studied in Michigan (USA) and at the Universita degli Studi di Siena (Italy). He has more than 30 years of proven experience in multidisciplinary research coordination through national and European projects. She has been production director of Scienter Spain, a private company that has implemented more than 80 R+D+i projects financed with national and European funds. His research specialities include Architecture and Design Thinking with the use of web 2.0 technologies to foster an entrepreneurial mindset, use of advanced peer review methodologies between universities and training centres at European level and external evaluations of EU-funded projects. She is also an associate professor at UNIR, as director of Master's Final Project in "educational innovation".

Juan Francisco de Lorenzo

Project Manager

Juan Francisco de Lorenzo

holds a degree in business administration from the University of Wolverhampton (UK). He has been director of different banking entities for more than 20 years. He has also been developing for more than 8 years functions of financial director in a business group of more than 50 workers in charge not only of financial management but also of HR management and purchasing of the company. He has a master's degree in financial management from the UNIR

Eduardo Linares

External Collaborator

Eduardo Linares

He has a degree in Business Administration and Management from the University of Granada. He has completed a private master's degree in web design and programming. He has experience as administrative and financial responsible, budgeting, control and financial reporting of national and European projects. At present he also coordinates the preparation and monitoring of the financial reports of the R + D + i projects

We are waiting to help you

Contact us today and let's start transforming your business from the ground up.